The Ultimate Post-Covid19 Kick Starter Bundle

The Ultimate Package for Getting Your Life and Mindset Back into Balance

Video Webinar Workshop Bundle Summary

Why Choose This Online Program?

Do you need more focus, clarity, and peace of mind in the midst of the lockdown pandemic?  Want help getting a better vision of the future?  Need help in clearing overwhelm and anxiety and looking for an energy boost?  Want to get your brain and mind back in gear? 

I have put together the Courses, Workshops and Programs which address specific issues we face coming out of the Covid19 pandemic, namely refocusing your mindset, getting your brain in gear, dealing the host of swirling emotions, and helping your children and family.  With this bundle you save over £1000. Specifically you have the:

- 1 Day Practitioner Insider Secrets for moving your services offline to online.
- 1-Day Fearless Public Speaking for upping your online 'Zoom Nation' game now that everyone has been thrust into the presenting spotlight.
- 3-Day PhotoReading* Accelerated Learning Workshop for supercharging your business brain, and helping those who are homeschooling.
- 1-Day Huna for clearing out old negative emotions and resolving overwhelm, confusion, anxiety, and stress.
- 1- Day Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Workshop  to help you regain a sense of inner outer balance, and re-focus for the year ahead.

During the launch I have also included as a Bonus my 1-Day Money Breakthrough Video Webinar Workshop because money and finances is a big factor of the current times.

How Are the Workshops Delivered?

All Workshops are available On-Demand instant access and delivered via pre-recorded Video Webinar.  Unless otherwise stated, all Workshops are 1-Day Workshops.  Running time approximately 8 hours per Workshop.  This format means you can sign up and take part from anywhere in the world, from the comfort of your own office or home.

What's Included?

For the pre/launch bundle, your purchase includes:

1. Fearless Public Speaking 1-Day Video Webinar Workshop for those who hate being thrust into what I call the "Zoom Nation" spotlight.
2. Practitioner Insider Secrets 1-Day Video Webinar Workshop if you want to move your offline services online and create online courses and programs.
3. PhotoReading 3-Day Accelerated Learning Brain Tranceformation Video Webinar Workshop for getting your mindset, creativity, critical thinking, and productivity back on track.
4. Huna 1-Day Video Webinar Workshop for resolving with old emotional baggage, negative emotions and confusion.
5. The Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest 1-Day Video Webinar Workshop for bringing all aspects back into balance.

Bonus Workshop and Coaching

For those purchasing during the launch, the 1-Day Money Breakthrough Video Webinar Workshop is also included, plus a 1-Hour one-to-one Online Breakthrough Coaching Session with Marilyn Devonish.

Workshop Dates & Location

You decide the time and place.  The Workshops were recorded with a live Webinar audience, and are now available on-demand, which means you have instant access as soon as you sign up.

How Long Is The Material Available?

Your pre-launch purchase includes lifetime access to the Video Webinar Workshops included in your bundle.  

Payment Plan Option

If you prefer to pay via payment plan go to:  Please note course access is tiered over a period of 3 months rather than complete instant access.

You have instant access to the Workshops available so refunds are not available.

* This  pre-launch offer also includes the full 3-Day £748 PhotoReading Video Webinar Workshop rather than the 1-Day Intro. 


Marilyn Devonish

The NeuroSuccess and Rapid TranceFormation Coach



 "Stimulating, Valuable, Highly Recommended, Professional, Excellent, Enlightening, Fun, Relaxing, Motivating, Time Well Spent, Should be Given to All First Year PhD Students." 

Team of Rocket Scientists
Cranfield University, re PhotoReading Workshop

 "For those of you who were asking me about my big talk in January and shared my joy that I was so happy with how it had gone...
Marilyn Devonish is the awesome lady that enabled me to breathe, think and talk all at the same time - and now - you can do it too!" 

Rachel C-k
Educator, Natural Essential Oils Coach, re Fearless Public Speaking Workshop

 " It has been really fantastic. It has gone into great depth and I thought I would miss the live room but this is very good." 

Winniefred Carneiro 
Wynns World Therapies, re Practitioner Insider Secrets Webinar Workshop

 "Marilyn Saw your FB Live. Very cool. But you didn't mention my MULTIPLE 6 Figure income increase from your Huna intention and my biz investment!!" 

Dave, Business Owner 
re The Money Breakthrough Workshop


Marilyn Devonish

Flexible Working Implementation Consultant & Corporate Trainer

Marilyn Devonish, The NeuroSuccess™ Coach, is a Keynote Speaker, Off and Online Workshop Facilitator, Flexible Working Implementation Consultant, Freelance Magazine Writer, and Certified Multi-Disciplinary Therapist which includes Certified Trainer of NLP, Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, Certified Trainer of Timeline Therapy, Soul Plan Reader,  Tarot Reader, Archetypal Profile Consultant, and Practitioner 15+ modalities including Future Life Progression, EFT, Access Consciousness, DNA Theta Healing, and Hawaiian Huna.  

She is also a Corporate Trainer, Executive Coach, Certified PhotoReading Accelerated Learning Instructor, and Management Consultant.  Marilyn is the Founder of TranceFormations™, a Coaching, Training and Consultancy organisation committed to creating impactful and lasting rapid transformation and change.

CLICK HERE to read her full biography and resume.

Webinar Bundle Pricing

Online Webinar Bundle


  • The Ultimate Post-Lockdown Online Webinar Bundle. Next level your skills from home.

    • 1-Day Fearless Public Speaking Video Webinar Workshop
    • 1-Day Practitioner Insider Secrets Video Webinar Workshop
    • 3-Day PhotoReading Video Webinar Workshop
    • 1-Day Huna Video Video Webinar Workshop
    • 1-Day Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Video Webinar Workshop
    • LAUNCH BONUS 1: 1-Day Money Breakthrough Video Webinar Workshop
    • LAUNCH BONUS 2: 1-Hour Online Breakthrough Coaching Session with Marilyn
    • Lifetime Access to All Workshops included at time of purchase.
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