Practitioner Insider Secrets

The Online Resource Centre for Coaches, Therapists, Entrepreneurs, and Trainers

The Practitioner Insider Secrets Course Summary

What is This Event?

This is a practical and dynamic 1-Day Online on-demand Video Workshop for Coaches, Therapists, Trainers, Consultants, and Creatives who want to get their ideas out of their head, and launch them online and into the world.

With a focus on idea generation and product creation, this instant access Online Workshop is designed to help you get your presentations, and event and workshop ideas out of your head, structured, and into the world.  A mix of psychological theory, real life ‘this is how we did it’, and practical information, this interactive Workshop with The NeuroSuccess Coach Marilyn Devonish expertly guides you through the creative process, going from blank sheet of paper, to finished idea.  

We also cover the technology to support that for those who want to launch online, and Marilyn shares with you the platforms, program, apps, and software she personally uses.

In addition to the Video Webinar Workshop there are also additional Bonus Packages available, and access to unique technological support and tailored one-to-one Private Skype or Telephone Coaching Sessions.

How is this Workshop Delivered?

Recorded live, you can now take part via on-demand Video Webinar.  Once you have signed up you have instant access to the video replay of the original Workshop, and associated course materials.  You can get started as soon as today.

A Track Record in Designing and Delivering Online Training's and Workshops

Marilyn Devonish has been a Coach, Therapist and Trainer since 2000, and has been running Coaching, Therapy, and Training Sessions online for over 15 years.   She launched her first fully automated online eCoaching Program back in February 2013, built her online Membership Group platform in 2016, and has been delivering full Video Webinar Workshops Online since 2017.  

In 2019 she launched the full Online Expo Experience, where you can replicate the in-person Conference experience online complete with Main Stage, Video Webinar Breakout Rooms, AI Powered Speed Networking where you network with other Expo attendees and Speakers one-to-one and exchange virtual business cards if it's a good fit, plus Sponsor Booths like a regular in-person Expo, and a Reception Room should you need a reminder of where everything is happening and what's coming up next.

Marilyn has also been implementing Flexible and Remote Working strategies within organisations for almost 2 decades, starting with working on large scale implementations across both Central and Local Government since 2003.

Marilyn has been an Event Manager for over 30 years, her first Event Management job was working for ICL at their Residential Training Centre in Beaumont, Old Windsor when she was 21.

You can read more about some of those online solutions here:

What is it like being in a Virtual Training Room?

If you haven't yet taken part in a virtual training with Marilyn Devonish, here's what to expect: 

"It has been really fantastic. It has gone into great depth and I thought I would miss the live room but this is very good."

This was the feedback from one of the delegates on my Practitioner Insider Secrets Online Video Webinar Training

This was my first complete Virtual Training and I thought I might miss the live in-person room too but it was huge amounts of fun.

Feedback from Practitioner Insider Secrets Video Webinar Workshop Attendees :

"Have learnt lots, really practical - thank you Marilyn and Winnie too!"

"What an amazing workshop, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your time and energy and to everyone else who is out there."

"Thank you again - really enjoyed it :-) "

"It has been really fantastic. It has gone into great depth and I thought I would miss the live room but this is very good."  (This feedback was from Winnie who attended the in-person version of the Practitioner Insider Secrets 2 years prior)

Why This Event?

Over the years I have come across so many wonderful, gifted, and talented Consultants, Business Owners, Coaches, Therapists, and Entrepreneurs who for whatever reason (and we’ll come to those reasons later) are not out there in the world really sharing their knowledge and expertise and offering what they have.  What I call the proverbial ‘Shelf Development’ where shelves might be full of books and audio programmes, and the walls full of lovely certificates, yet you are not out there sharing what you’ve got.

I know people are also often afraid of being on camera, doing Facebook Live's, and public speaking and presenting, so there's a Bonus Bundle if you also fit into that category too.

This event, designed and run by Marilyn Devonish The NeuroSuccess Coach has been created to get you off the shelf so people can invest in you and your products and services.

Who is this Event For?

This event is aimed at Coaches, Trainers, Therapists, Consultants, Business Owners, Creative Artists, and Entrepreneurs who want to run workshops and know their stuff yet haven’t quite gotten around to packaging up their knowledge in a marketable way.

It isn’t industry or topic specific because I have used these techniques to create workshops and training course on everything from Project Management, Finance for Non-Financial Managers, and Leadership Development Programmes, through to Hawaiian Huna, Banishing Procrastination, and Mind Body Spirit Events.

The Nuts & Bolts & Practicalities

Marilyn Devonish The NeuroSuccess Coach  will show you how to:

* Use what you already know to go from very little or no idea about your content through to mapping out a full blown workshop or training course.
* Structure and deliver your workshops so that they resonate with and meet both the external and unconscious needs of your clients.
* Use PowerPoint to create slides and how to set it up and run a slideshow.
* Set up and run Teleseminar and Webinar Sessions and offer free resources which means that you can get started straight away with no barriers to entry.
* Tips and tricks that have made my life easier both when using technology and with the running of actual events.
* Ideas on creating online programs and how I developed and run them.

Practitioner Insider Secrets Webinar Agenda Part 1

* The Blank Sheet of Paper to Event Creation Process
* The Big Who Questions
* Event Platforms and Technology
* Products Within Products and Re-Purposing
* Data Mining What You Know
* Harness the Power of Intuition

Practitioner Insider Secrets Webinar Agenda Part 2

•Completing the ‘Blank Sheet of Paper’ Workshop Creation Process
•Huna and Access Consciousness Belief Change Session
•Idea generation and creation
•The Idea & Creative Think Tank
•The Walt Disney Storyboard
•The Oprah Effect – From Pain to Profits
•Pricing & Product Repurposing
•The 28-Day Challenge . . . . .

Whether it's getting started with launching your Courses, Workshops or Coaching Programs, or you're a Consultant, Entrepreneur or Therapist looking to keep up to date with Saas, technology or get your 'How to' questions answered, this 1- Day Video Webinar Workshop, Resources Centre, and Online Support and Coaching Community is for you.


Bonus Items for this Limited Edition Package includes:

* 1-Day Practitioner Insider Secrets Video Webinar Workshop
* Software and Technology Platforms Resources Guide
* Archetypal Branding Presentation
* 1-Day Fearless Public Speaking Video Webinar Workshop
* PhotoReading Video Webinar Workshop: Module 1 of 5
* Bonus Skype Soul Plan Reading to Uncover Your Gifts, Skills and Natural Talents
* Bonus Skype Future Life Progression Session to Tap into Future Ideas and Strategies
* Bonus Online Testimonial Automated Testimonial Collect App (Requires Hosting via an embed code on your own Blog or website) CLICK HERE to see the form builder; it would have your logo and details.  To see the embedded form go to:
* Online Community Priority Questions
* Free Links and Promotions Micro-Site: You can see an example here:
* Bonus Hosted Video Webinar Broadcast with copy of MP4 via BigMarker
* Workshop or Course Planning Session.  Can be booked separately outside of this Package via:

Feedback About Marilyn's Technology and Software System Recommendations, and Workflow Tips and Reviews

"Hi Marilyn! We are both part of the SaaS group and I've seen many of your posts and I am impressed with the level of success you've had implementing. Of course you obviously have to have an amazing business acumen to boot! I just wanted to say I enjoy your posts and I hope to learn from your success! Thanks for sharing your experiences!"

"I truly appreciate every single time I see your name in my notifications. You’ve added SO much to this group!"  Lawyer, Canada

"I just looked up the word Doer in the Dictionary and low and behold there was a Picture of you there... Well done with the Instant Action Marilyn... We can all learn from your example... Keep Charging!"  Leadership Coach, Texas

"Thank you Marilyn it is such a great idea to implement. I was thinking about what would be the best way to add some rewards (feedier like) to brandquiz. You always spread such a positive energy in this group. Thank you for that."  Business Owner, Eastern  Europe

"You are really lighting a fire under me to pull my "off the shelf" softwares and start learning to use them...or use them again. Thanks. Your posts are most encouraging and motivating. I have so many I have forgotten what I do have...and they are all good, I am"   CEO, United States

"Whoa -- impressive re: how quickly you move! True... I know all this logically and tell my clients but the fear is innate, but I'm finally taking steps because I've really forced myself to reflect on what I've lost in the process

What helped you enjoy public speaking? Honestly, I was more afraid than was necessary. I almost gave myself a heart attack preparing but it turned out alright. In person is easier than online though. Once I saw the faces of everyone attending, I felt I had a responsibility to do my absolute best and give all the value I could do them. Online feels weird but its' really the same, right?

Inspired by you! I can tell you are one to take quick action as I've noticed you implementing and rocking with all the tools and things over here! :)"

Next Generation Learning

At TranceFormationsTM we are always growing and learning and evolving and ahead of the times.  I now have an Online Expo platform which recreates the Conference experience online.

The Online FLP Expo with Anne Jirsch

Marilyn Devonish created and Hosted the first ever Online Future Life Progression Expo in January 2020.  The Online Expo platform boasts a Main Stage, Video Webinar Breakout Rooms, AI powered Speed Networking with you can meet with other attendees one-to-one on video and exchange virtual business cards at the end of your networking,

Feedback from the Online Expo Attendees and Speakers

"It was wonderful. Thank you so much Marilyn Devonish for being the best virtual M.C."  Anne Jirsch, Author and Creator of Future Life Progression

#FLPExpoOnline has just finished and it was absolutely brilliant. The speakers Marilyn Devonish, Carol Ritchie, Wendy Fry & Anne Jirsch were wonderful with lots of interesting information. Looking forward to the next one which I'm sure will have more guest speakers, so thank you very much Marilyn for setting it up todays #FLPExpo and the next future one."  FLP Expo attendee

"What a wonderful day.  So Marilyn organised a FLP Online Expo Taster and it was awesome.
Next, in a couple of months, she’s going to organise an even bigger FLP Expo for you all.
Watch out for the dates.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
  Carole Rift Richie, Speaker and FLP Trainer

Host an Online Event

If you would like to speak to Marilyn Devonish about Hosting an Online Event for yourself or your clients, book a free 20-minute Consultation:

    Course Curriculum

    Marilyn Devonish

    The NeuroSuccess and Rapid TranceFormation Coach

    Winniefred Carneiro

    Wyns World Therapies

    "It has been really fantastic. It has gone into great depth and I thought I would miss the live room but this is very good."

    Course Pricing

    Practitioner Insider Secrets Ultimate Package


    • Limited availability price for the 1-Day Video Webinar Workshops, Bonus Bundle Gifts & Free Skype Sessions with Marilyn Devonish.

      • 1-Day Practitioner Insider Secrets Video Webinar Workshop
      • Software and Technology Platforms Resources Guide
      • Archetypal Branding Presentation
      • 1-Day Fearless Public Speaking Video Webinar Workshop
      • PhotoReading Intro Video Webinar Workshop: Module 1 of 5
      • Free Bonus Skype Soul Plan Reading
      • Free Bonus Skype Future Life Progression Session
      • Free Bonus Online Testimonial Automated Collection App (Requires Hosting)
      • Online Community Priority Questions
      • Free Links and Promotions Micro-Site
      • A Hosted Video Webinar Workshop with copy of MP4 for Promotional Use
      • Private 1-2-1 Public Speaking Coaching Session with Marilyn Devonish
      • Private 1-2-1 Workshop or Course Planning Session with Marilyn Devonish
      • Access to the Online Community Forum
      • Limited Number of Packages and Sofware
    Purchase Now

    Practitioner Insider Secrets Silver Tier


    • Practitioner Insider Secrets + Fearless Public Speaking Video Webinar Workshop

      • 1-Day Practitioner Insider Secrets Video Workshop
      • Software and Technology Platforms Resources Guide
      • 1-Day Fearless Public Speaking Video Webinar Workshop
      • Archetypal Branding Presentation
      • Access to the Online Community Forum
    Buy Now

    Practitioner Insider Secrets Webinar Bronze Tier


    • Join Marilyn Devonish for the dynamic and interactive 1-Day Practitioner Insider Secrets Video Webinar Workshop.

      • 1-Day Practitioner Insider Secrets Video Webinar Workshop
      • Software and Technology Platforms Resources Guide
      • Archetypal Branding Presentation
      • Access to the Online Community Forum
    Buy Now