1-Day MBS Energy Fest Video Webinar Workshop

Refreshing & Re-Aligning Your Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul

Course Summary

"Brilliant, awesome, magnificent, mind-blowing!!!  I am gobsmacked by the experience and a mind set of determination, positivity, and a thirst quenching enthusiasm for life.  I am wondering if someone is listening to my thoughts and making then making them real!!"

Whether it's doing a year-end review, a mental and emotional Spring Clean, or half-year stock take, join TranceFormational Change Coach Marilyn Devonish, and Clairvoyant Gina Batt for this interactive 1-Day Video Webinar Workshop.

How Do the Energy Clearings Translate in a Webinar?

Below is some of the feedback from one of my  live stream events.  I had attendees from Australia, Canada, the United States of America, and across Europe. It was a truly global event, and those taking part from around the world felt the energy of everything and as though they were with us in the room:
"Wow! Thank you, Marilyn! I could feel energy running through my body the whole time, esp. when you were talking about releasing past life issues. I could really feel it in my heart and throat. I could see your aura on the screen. It was brightest when there was a run of things you were saying, w/o looking at the post-its. Very powerful! I can still feel the energy coursing through my body now and feel the need to drink lots more water."

"Thank you both so much for an amazing day. A few technical issues were fairly quickly resolved. I felt part of the room. I would definitely attend this way in the future if it was available. Looking forward to the recording to see if I missed anything. Much love to all especially my live stream buddies!"

"Thank u thank u thank u! what abundant blessings I feel multiplying in the very near future- great energy and what a beautiful day and event this was! Live Feed was incredible and so blessed to have been a part of it."

"I'm so grateful there was a live stream. I would not have been able to attend otherwise. And yes, meeting people in person is nice, however, this is amazing as well."

"Love this. I have some burning at home here, now!" (We were doing a Group Energy Clearing Exercise).

"After the last meditation, I feel a tremendous love for the students I work with and also for my future clients. This is amazing. It's just like the sun shining brightly in my heart."

Packed full of unique Processes, Practical Exercises, Insights, and Transformational Clearing Sessions, this is one of the favourite and landmark events of the year.

What Have Attendees Said About the Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Workshop?

"I wish I could do this every week LOL. After this weekend I seem to have a chilled calmness about me and a glint in the eye and rye smile with some excitement about what is to come in my life.  I have the urge to do lots of different things and enjoy the wonders that life has to offer."

"Best way ever to wrap up the year and get ready for the one ahead.
Gina and Marilyn are creating in this event the magic environment that will take you to the absolute next level if you choose too.
This year it's my 3rd consecutive event. It became a tradition.

100/10. Of any scale." 

When asked would you recommend this event to others:


"Amazing. Awesome. Magical. Knowledgeable - Loved the info. Magnificent. Confidence Boosting."
"Yes! Please, please, the journey of magic and miracles is contagious, please attend the MBS and live it for yourself."
What was the best and most beneficial part for you?
"Loved every second of the Workshop. Yay! And all aspects, ie Huna - blows the mind and meditations - another dimension. Access Consciousness + Clearing Stress Release technique + Game of Life was a big confidence and voice booster. Loved the company of amazing like minded people."
Did the Workshop meet your expectations?
"Yes. Meditation was powerful!"
How would you rate the Speakers?
"200%. Gina + Marilyn you're both so awesome. Love the knowledge and techniques - Game Changer."
What if anything would you change?
"Nothing! Loved it. We could have 3 days of MBS Workshop, Friday, Saturday + Sunday! WOW!"

"It was perfect."
The #MBSEnergyFest was "Deep. Transformational. Different. Enlightening. Uplifting."
What was the best part and biggest impact?
"Realising I was meant to be here and receiving the message from my future self." (This was from someone was going to put off attending this year because of their busy schedule).
Did the Workshop meet your expectations?
"Yes, and more! Be prepared to be amazed!"

Course Curriculum

Marilyn Devonish

The NeuroSuccess and Rapid TranceFormation Coach

Dr Magdalena Baciu


"I've been to lots of other trainings including things like Robbins, which are good and they work for a while but this, MBS Energy Fest is like a golden thread that just keeps on working throughout my life." 

Course Pricing

1-Day Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Video Webinar


  • Join Marilyn Devonish and Clairvoyant Gina Batt for the now legendary Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Workshop.

    • Clearing Old Mind Clutter
    • Introduction to Clairvoyance and Psychic Readings
    • Huna and Access Consciousness Energy Clearings
    • Cutting Old Energetic Ties and Connections
    • The Silver Cord of Life Physical and Energetic Clearings
    • Future Programming
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