Ultimate Best Version of You

Guided Future Life Progression Session

Course Summary

What if you could get a glimpse into your future, and not just a glimpse? One of my clients came up with an idea that netted them £100,000 on a weekend! Another saw a man she would meet, right down to the colour of his suit, tie, name, and handkerchief!  

Another amazing outcome was a client seeing a very specific house: "A white house on a hill, with 2 entrances, one through which the public can enter." The description was so specific that it is still stuck in my mind all these years later.  The following year or so my client got in touch to say there were moving house. They were moving into a white house on a hill which had 2 entrances, one through which the public could enter. The entrance and access points were important, because they wanted to run client and group sessions from home. However, they had a family.  The 2nd entrance, through which the public could enter, meant they could do exactly that and their clients would never have to enter the family part of the home.  You really just couldn't make this stuff up!

First off, we're not making any financial claims because you will all have your own unique experience of these incredible processes and modalities.

This practical and experiential Guided Process is a mix of Timeline Therapy, and FLP (Future Life Progression) and is designed to meet the Ultimate Best Version of You. This Session led by Marilyn Devonish, The NeuroSuccess Coach, is a mix of Coaching Questions, Reflection Processes, and the Guided Process. We craft your UBVY Questions, explain the move through the temporal layers of the timeline, share client case study examples of what your future self can tell you before taking you through the induction.

During the FLP/Future Life Progression Session, my client relayed some ideas. They didn't mean anything to either of us or make much sense at the time however they were all both written down and recorded via audio for later consumption or what I call the "Aha Moments."  


A few weeks later we were doing another Breakthrough Coaching Session and my client arrives excitedly on the telephone call. She is a business owner and had just had a "3 figure" weekend, which in UK speak means a comma after the first number 3 zeros £000,000.  She explains that she miraculously came up with this new idea and process and decided to launch it as the upsell product during her weekend workshop.   She then went on to outline the process.  As she was talking, it all started to sound very familiar, so while listening I also flicked back through my notes to see what was said during the Guided FLP and Timeline Session.  You can read the full story in the free Case Study module below.

During this Ultimate Best Version of You Webinar we also talk about the money expansion, and how to anchor it. Everything is explained, so sit back, relax, and enjoy!

It is available on-demand at the click of a button. Enjoy your flight!

Marilyn Devonish
The NeuroSuccess Coach


Marilyn Devonish, The NeuroSuccess™ Coach, is a Business Graduate, holds a post graduate diploma with the Chartered Institute of Marketing, and is a Certified PhotoReading™ Instructor, Certified Trainer of NLP Trainer, Keynote Speaker, Offline and Online Workshop Facilitator, Freelance Writer, Remote Working Implementation Consultant since 2003, Corporate Mental Health First Aid Trainer, and Certified Multi-Disciplinary Therapist.  

She is a Practitioner in EFT, EmoTrance, DNA Theta Healing, Hawaiian Huna, Access Bars, Access Consciousness, Energetic NLP, Positive EFT, Past Life Regression, Opening the Heart (OTH), Future Life Progression, and Reiki. A Personal Trainer for Your Brain, she specialises in blending aspects of neuroscience with personal development to make accelerated performance more easily accessible to all.  

Marilyn is also the Founder of TranceFormations™, a Coaching, Training and Consultancy organisation committed to creating impactful and lasting rapid transformation and change.   Her journey into these disciplines started with being diagnosed with what they thought to be early onset Alzheimer’s in her 20s, and contemplating suicide in her 30s.  Having found a quick, easy, and lasting way to turn that diagnosis and things around 21 years ago, she has been working with both individuals and organisations since then to help accelerate their potential and performance.

Marilyn has been offering online coaching, online therapy, and online training since 2005, so all processes are tried-and-tested, and were not just created in response to the pandemic pivot.

Email: marilyn@tranceformationstm.com  

Main Website: https://www.tranceformationstm.com  

Course Curriculum

Marilyn Devonish

The NeuroSuccess and Rapid TranceFormation Coach

Therapist & Entrepreneur

TranceFormation Program FLP Client

A few weeks later we were doing another Breakthrough Coaching Session and my client arrives excitedly on the telephone call. She is a business owner and had just had a "3 figure" weekend, which in UK speak means a comma after the first number 3 zeros £000,000.

Course Pricing

Ultimate Best Version of You Guided Process


  • This Guided Experiential FLP (Future Life Progression Session) is your chance to go out and meet the Ultimate Best Version of You.

    • Integrated Timeline Therapy and FLP (Future Life Progression) Process
    • Learn what your future self can tell you
    • How to move through the temporal lobes
    • Key questions to ask when meeting your future self
    • Client case studies
    • Guided Ultimate Best Version of You Guided Experiential Process
    • Money Expansion Energetic Process
    • Running Time: 2 Hours 12 Minutes
    • Format: On-Demand Video Webinar
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