Memory Accelerator Module

How to Boost Your Memory and Retain, Remember and Recall More Easily

Course Summary

This 90-Minute Workshop is designed to boost your memory, comprehension, retention, and recall. We cover theory, practical tips, memory strategies, and close with a Huna and Access Consciousness Energy Clearing and Belief Change Session.  The video above gives you a 4-minute taster of what is possible using these skills, strategies, tips, and techniques.  These strategies have been used with students, undergraduates, professionals, entrepreneurs, and employees and executives across a diverse range of careers and industry sectors. 

What Do We Cover During the 90-Minute On-Demand Video Webinar?

Recorded as part of my Huna Subscription Service, this was the most requested topic from my subscribers.   The request was for strategies easy and effective learning, improving comprehension and understanding, ways to more easily remember, recall and retain information with ease, and how to improve both short term and long term memory.  

Discussion and theory is great, and it's covered on the call.  Resolution is also important, so we close the Webinar with an Access Consciousness Belief Change Session, and a Huna Energy Clearing.  

Running Time: 90-Minutes
Format: Video Webinar Replay.  Filmed with a live audience

Running Time for PhotoReading Day 1: 4.5 hours

If you already subscribe to the Huna Podcast, I have uploaded the audio MP3 version of the Memory Accelerator to the platform and it is included as part of either your monthly, annual, or lifetime subscription. 


We discuss the nature of memory; how it works, where it is located, how to make new links and connections, and key components for enhancing your memory. 


We explore 8 common blocks and barriers to good memory, and how to resolve and overcome them.  I also share 5 of my favourite Memory Techniques, and 8 ways to improve and expand your memory. 


We close with a Huna Energy Clearing, and Access Consciousness Belief Change Session.  Always a firm favourite, Huna has an incredible way of travelling through celluloid and delivering individual results across the globe. 

Memory Module Curriculum

Marilyn Devonish

The NeuroSuccess and Rapid TranceFormation Coach

About Marilyn Devonish

Flexible Working Implementation Consultant & The NeuroSuccess Coach

Marilyn Devonish, The NeuroSuccess™ Coach, is a Certified PhotoReading™ Instructor, NLP Trainer, Keynote Speaker, Offline and Online Workshop Facilitator, Freelance Writer, Flexible Working Implementation Consultant, and Certified Multi-Disciplinary Therapist.  

A Personal Trainer for Your Brain, she specialises in blending aspects of neuroscience with personal development to make accelerated performance more easily accessible to all. Marilyn is also the Founder of TranceFormations™, a Coaching, Training and Consultancy organisation committed to creating impactful and lasting rapid transformation and change.  

Her journey into these disciplines started with being diagnosed with what they thought to be early onset Alzheimer’s in her 20s, and contemplating suicide in her 30s.  Having found a quick, easy, and lasting way to turn that diagnosis and things around 19 years ago, she has been working with both individuals and organisations since then to help accelerate their potential and performance.  

For a full Online Resume CLICK HERE


Sieta Jones

Online DVD Participant

I have learnt from the course that I am a visual learner, I didn't know this beforehand. This should be promoted more in schools and adult learning.

Course Pricing

Memory Accelerator Module - Silver


  • This video Module shares memory boosting strategies, tips, and insights.

    • The 90-Minute Memory Accelerator Video Webinar Module
    • Homeschooling Booster Infographic
    • Day 1 of the 3-Day PhotoReading Accelerated Learning Video Webinar Workshop
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Memory Accelerator Module - Launch Price


  • This video Module shares memory boosting strategies, tips, and insights.

    • The 90-Minute Memory Accelerator Video Webinar Module
    • Homeschooling Booster Infographic
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