Archetypal Journey Introduction

An Introduction to the World and Power of Archetypes

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        What you get with this Plan

        • Archetypal Video Webinar Intro
        • The Archetypal Journey Online
        • The Personal and Corporate
          Benefits of Understanding Your
        • Answering Life's Fundamental
        • Overview of the Archetypal
        • Shedding Light on the
          Archetypal Shadow Sides
        • How to Tap into the Archetypal

        I'm thinking maybe 2011...or  possibly before. Omg. I remember you sending me the Archetypes book ahead of our session. So I didn't know yet what my dominant type was. Just reading the book before even taking the quiz gave me massive aha’s and realisations. Once I discovered my dominant type I was like Omg that explains EVERYTHING. What I had thought were 'flaws' of mine were actually valid and necessary parts of me. I still read it from time to time and like you discover new things. I am forever grateful for that experience. 

        Kathy Hector, Kambio Retreats 


         Marilyn Devonish, hadn't thought of it that way. I fall into the 'I know a little but not very much about archetypal journey' category of your quiz 😊 any tips for easy into reading? I love that you relate it all to movies, helps explain it so much better! 

        Miriam, Impact Coach